Sunday, April 22, 2018

How Do You Know If You're Having a Spiritual Awakening?


     It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but I promise to be much more consistent.  I realize that there are a lot of people out there who are now going through their own Spiritual Awakening and are looking for answers to the things they are experiencing. 

     When I began my own Awakening, I didn't have a lot of money to pay someone else to tell me what was happening.  In hindsight, that was a good thing because it encouraged me to find my own answers.  That was nearly 30 years ago (wow, how time flies!).  It is much easier today to hop on the internet and find your answers, so I encourage you to do just that! 

Okay ... it's so easy for me to go off on tangents ... so, without further delay let's get onto the subject of this post :-)

Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

     It almost always starts out with a major upheaval in life.  That doesn't necessarily have to be the case, the reason it usually starts that way is because such situations make us question life and often our own reason for being here.  Those moments are meant to spur us on, to get us searching for answers to questions that most of us won't ask unless there is some kind of tragedy in our lives.  However, there are a handful of people who will begin that questioning without experiencing tragedy or trauma, they are the ones that question authority, rules, regulations, and life as most people know it to be ... that doesn't mean they set out to defy authority, or break the rules, although that can happen ... some of the most recent group of such people are known as Indigos.  (But that is a topic for another time.  If you have questions, you can comment on this post and I will do my best to answer you quickly.)

     There is usually a feeling of despair, depression, anxiety &/or emptiness ... the world can seem too big, leaving you feeling lost and alone.  You may wonder why you are here, and who you are, often there is a sense of not belonging.  It can become difficult to leave the comfort & safety of your home, you may feel overwhelmed by the people around you whenever you leave your house. 

     Feelings of losing your sanity, your grip on reality, are quite common.  This is because you are beginning to see and feel things differently, and when it doesn't match up with the main stream ideas of who we are or what reality is, we begin to question OUR sanity, rather than the sanity of those around us. 

     You may find yourself drawn to the occult or other esoteric studies.  This is because a part of you is beginning to question what reality really is, at some level you understand that there is more to life and who you are than meets the eye.  Your thirst for knowledge begins to grow. 
     At this point, many people begin to question their religion.  It's important to understand that you don't have to "throw the baby out with the bath water."  All religions contain some aspect of the Truth; while you are searching for Your Truth, keep what feels right to you and add to it as you continue your Awakening.

     Sleeping patterns begin to change.  You may find yourself unable to sleep, or sleeping too much.  You may find that its easier to accomplish things in the middle of the night when most people are asleep.  Your dreams may be filled with symbols, or a sense of being in an alternate reality; or you may simply wake up feeling like you haven't slept at all.
     (I want to keep this post fairly short, so as not to lose anyone ... so I am only going to touch on why our sleeping patterns are affected.)

Our reality is a shared experience in consciousness, so when most people are sleeping it's easier to see beyond the illusion of this third dimensional reality.  While we are learning to see beyond the illusion, we instinctively know this and are drawn to utilize this time to further our understanding of who we are and the Truth behind the illusion.  For those who are further along on their Spiritual Journey, this time is often used to help others or to create artistically because the energy isn't so overwhelming or distracting.
     Our waking lives are just one reality, so when we are asleep we are open to other realities, these alternate realities are now being scientifically studied.  It is no longer something talked about only in occult circles or by mystics.  If you are remembering your dreams more often, if they are more vivid and real, then you are beginning to See things outside of this dimension's reality.  IF you are dreaming about symbols, if you feel like you're being taught something, if you awake in the middle of the night with unusual thoughts or phrases, then you are either in The Mystery School or you are experiencing past/future life memories.  It is important to realize that "time" is a construct of this third dimensional reality, dreams do not adhere to timelines.

     Synchronicity becomes more apparent in your every day life.  You may find that things happen more easily, there may be more "coincidences", you think of someone & they call, you find yourself being led to books or things that are "just what you needed" in that moment.  You are learning to follow your own Higher Guidance system.  Your psychic centers are beginning to open.

     The feeling of being Called to do something more becomes stronger.  This almost feels like an "itch" in an undefined place inside of yourself.  Trying to scratch that itch usually leads people towards their path of service.  Understanding your path of service and actually undertaking it are two completely different things, first you must understand who you are and then become comfortable in your new evolved identity. 




Friday, November 4, 2016

Changing Your Reality

Magic doesn’t happen yesterday, or tomorrow, it can only happen right here, right now.

Please click the link below to read the full article

Keen: Oracle's Insights : Changing Your Reality

Sunday, October 2, 2016

KEEN: Oracle's Insights

Here is an blog on the Higher Frequency Energy that has been coming in ... its been really difficult for a lot of people to deal with, especially if you live in an area that is located along major ley lines ... but its great for manifesting, so please be aware of where your thoughts are!   KEEN: Oracle's Insights

KEEN: Oracle's Insights : Energy Update

KEEN: Oracle's Insights : Energy Update

Friday, February 5, 2016

I keep a journal ... sometimes I moan about things, but I try to keep that to a minimum mostly because I believe that we can create our reality through our words, thoughts, and emotions.

This morning I was compelled to write about my love for God.  As I wrote, I knew I would share it with the world.

There was a time when I held back, but I'm not hiding anymore.  I don't care anymore whether or not people believe me.  I don't care anymore if they judge me.  I only care to share the Love and understanding that has been given to me through the Grace of God.

Those who know me personally know that I am not a religious person, but they also know that my Faith and my belief in God is strong.  For those who do not know me personally, I will tell you that I use Christian terminology because that is how I came to know God.  That does not mean that I subscribe to only the Christian way of expressing my love for our Creator.

Here is my journal entry this morning:

I love my life.  I love my home.  I am so incredibly grateful for everything; for God's help all throughout my life.

I have not had the easiest life, but God has always been there for me ... All Ways.  There is no-one in my life who has done more for me, or given more to me than He Who Knows and Is All Things.  Not my mother, father, brothers, sister, or boyfriends ... Only God.

I guess this is my tribute to HIm, my gratefulness & Love written for all to see, for all to know ... perhaps it is my way of glorifying Him.

As I write this tears well up in my eyes ... tears of gratitude, tears of Love.  Yes, tears from a feeling of Love and Gratitude so deep that no matter what I write or what I say, the words will never be able to convey the depth of my Love for Him, for He Who Has No Name.

I have talked to HIm for as long as I can remember.  I have loved HIm for as long as I can recall.  He has always listened and I have all-ways felt His Love for me.  I have never really questioned Him.

I have always accepted His Way, understanding that there is a divine Re-A-Son for everything.  Altho' I have not always understood why things happened, I have always had faith that there was a reason and that He was watching over me.

Okay, Truth ... there may have been a few times where I wondered or questioned the pain, and I would cry out similarly to Jesus' lament, "Oh God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  Those moments were brief and I knew that He hadn't forsaken me, that He was right there with me, comforting me.

In a way, my life has been dedicated to God since I was a little girl.  At the age of 15, I discovered Jesus; I felt his love and his sacrifice, and I accepted him as my savior.  I was re-baptized in water as a "born again Christian".    Yet, even before that time, I knew that God was there ... somewhere ... and I searched for Him.

As a young girl I had often thought of becoming a nun because I loved Him so much that I wanted to dedicate my life to Him.

My feelings of love and my desire to dedicate my life to Him were not born of mankind's attempt to indoctrinate me into a religious belief system.  My love for Him was born because I could feel Him and His Love for me ... always ... even before I could understand that it was Him I was feeling.

I don't care what religions or cultures call Him ... I understand that language and customs can be barriers between brothers and sisters if we allow them to be ... God Is Love.  If we understand that, then we are all praying to the same Creator.

I believe in Jesus.  He is my brother; through him I was reborn to see things more clearly.  He gave me "The Way" in which to express my love for God, Our Father.

I don't know if he was truly born of an immaculate conception, and it doesn't matter to me.  What I do know is that he is a great Teacher ... I know that it was through him that I found my way to God.

Can someone find their way to God without going through Jesus?  I believe the answer is both 'yes and no'.

I know that it is written that 'No one comes to the Father but through me.'    If it is taken literally, then it means that one would have to convert to Christianity in order to find & to know God.    And yet, I know many people who have found Him in other religions.  They call Him/Her by different names and they worship and pray in various ways.

As I write this, I hear a whisper that says, "They have come unto me because they have come through their hearts.  They have come through their desire to know the Truth that dwells within them."

I believe that Jesus was the embodiment of God's Love.  That when it was said that we must go through him to reach God, it was meant that we must go through our hearts, through Love.    So, the 'name' itself is unimportant ... it is The Way that matters ... through the heart.

Someone, somewhere, in the history of Christianity must have understood the same thing because one of the common depictions associated with Jesus is the HEART.    For me, that means that we can only know God if we go through our Heart.  I also believe that there is a similar meaning in the phrase that we must 'become like children in order to enter the Kinddom of Heaven'.   Children love without conditions.

The Creator is genderless and the name is nowhere near as important as the feeling of Great Love.

We are all children of the One Great Mystery.